Joseph J. Isola, Jr. 


(732) 583-7474

Matawan, NJ


During his time at Rutgers Law School, Joseph J. Isola, Jr. earned his Juris Doctor degree in 2020. He held the position of Executive Editor at the Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy and actively participated in the Mortgage Foreclosure Clinic. Outside of academics, Joseph devoted his efforts to community service, notably contributing to the Wills for Heroes program. This initiative, in partnership with the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division and the Wills for Heroes Foundation, provides complimentary Wills to first responders in New Jersey. Joseph’s dedication to serving others earned him recognition through the Pro Bono Publico Award and the Herb & Tricia Hinkle Award for his exceptional commitment to educating Camden’s youth about the law.


Rutgers School of Law School, J.D., 2020

Stockon University, 2017


New Jersey