– February 10, 2025:

Wayne Officer Terminated for Failed Drug Test. Now he says Township got it Wrong

Article originally publsihed February 10, 2025 on

Link to Original Article by Philip DeVencentis

A Wayne rookie patrolman has been fired for violating a Police Department drug policy, and he is appealing that decision in state court. Eric Lougheed, 25, was terminated on Jan. 22, court records show, after he received a discipline notice that charged him with “testing positive for a prohibited substance.” A subsequent letter to the patrolman from Business Administrator Christopher Tietjen identified the illicit drug as cocaine. He was instructed to return township-issued gear to his superiors.

Frank Cioffi, an attorney for Lougheed, filed an action in lieu of prerogative writ in state Superior Court in Paterson, seeking to dismiss the discipline charge and to reverse the termination, which the complaint says was imposed “without just cause.” The complaint says there is more evidence and witness testimony that the court should hear before making a ruling. Cioffi declined to provide further comment.

Township Attorney Matthew Giacobbe said officials would “vigorously defend this specious litigation.”

“We look forward to demonstrating that the Wayne Police Department acted in full conformance with New Jersey law and the attorney general guidelines,” he said in an email Thursday.

Termination is just one consequence facing Lougheed. His name could be reported to what is known as the central drug registry of New Jersey State Police, and he could be barred from employment in all other law enforcement agencies in the state. Lougheed, of the Newfoundland section of West Milford, was sworn in as a police officer with four other patrolmen in June. He previously worked as an officer in Clifton. During his time as an academy recruit, he received a merit award for demonstrating leadership skills.

Philip DeVencentis is a local reporter for For unlimited access to the most important news in your community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.
